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Econoline Parts

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SectionYear(s)Part NumberPart NumberTEMP check partTEMP check hardwareTEMP check instructionPart NameDescriptionApplicationIdentificationColor
851964-1966379921-S 379921-Scheck= 00bracket ??- fuel line near fuel pump ??????
851963-1967C9AZ 8287-A (YF-231)C9AZ 8287-A0check= 90Clamp - Fuel Hoseuniversal type, adjustable range, 1/4" to 5/8"
851964372732-S 372732-Scheck= 00Clamp - Fuel Line near Fuel Pump ??????
851966-1967???? 18954-????? 18954-?0check= 100clip - Anti-Backfire Hoseholds two hoses parallel170, 240 engine with Thermactor emissions
851964-1966???? 9C321-????? 9C321-?0check= 100Clip - Fuel Line After Fuel Pump???
851966380726-S100 (GG-254) 380726-S100check= 00Clip - Fuel Line near carb ?1/2" wide, 5/16" and 7/32" diameter openings, tube clip
851964-1965375341-S (GG-314) 375341-Scheck= 00Clip - Fuel Line near Fuel Pump ??1-3/4" long, 11/16" wide, 11/32" diameter hole, two 3/8" diameter slots, tubing clip
851961-1967354407-S 354407-Scheck= 00Clip - Fuel Line to Underbody???
851962-1963???? 9156-????? 9156-?0check= 90Fuel Line - connect tank line to rubber line near filter and Carb ???1/4" ??
851966372795-S 372795-Scheck= 00nut ?? - Fuel Line near carb ????
851965-1967???? 9463-????? 9463-?0check= 90part? - Exhaust Thermostat Control Valve Spring??? 240 engine
851966-1967372995-S (BB-545-AA) 372995-Scheck= 00Screw - Anti-Backfire Valve Bracket to block?5/16"-18, 3/4" long, 1/2" head width, hexagon-head bolt with lockwasher170 engine with Thermactor emissions
851962-1963355360-S 355360-Scheck= 00Screw - Fuel Filter to Block???
851964-1966377388-S (BB-429-G) 377388-Scheck= 00screw - Fuel Line ?? part?? Near fuel pump5/16"-18, 1-1/4" long, 7/8" thread length, self-locking, hexagon-head bolt
851964-196640923-S8 (U-264) 40923-S8check= 00Screw - fuel line clamp near fuel filter ???5/16"-18, 1/2" long, self-tapping, hexagon-washer-head, slotted, screw
851961-1964370790-S (BB-428) 370790-Scheck= 00Bolt - Fuel Filter Tube Support Bracket to Water Outlet Connection to Cylinder Head5/16"-18, 3/4" long, 3/4" thread length, self-locking, hexagon-head bolt
851966C6AZ 9B290-BC6AZ 9B290-B0check= 100Bracket - Anti-Backfire Valve??? 240 engine with thermactor emissions, intake manifold type
851966-1967C6TZ 9B290-AC6TZ 9B290-A0check= 100Bracket - Anti-Backfire Valve??? 240 engine with thermactor emissions, not intake manifold type
851966-1967C6DZ 9B290-AC6DZ 9B290-A0check= 100Bracket - Anti-Backfire Valve??? 170 engine with Thermactor emissions
851961-1964C2DZ 9180-AC2DZ 9180-A0check= 90Bracket - Fuel Filter Tube Support??? 144, 170 engine
851961-1962C1DE 9B325-AC1DE 9B325-A0check= 100Bracket Assembly - Fuel Tube Support???
851965-1967C5AZ 9462-AC5AZ 9462-A0check= 90Bushing - Exhaust Thermostat Control Valve Front0.307" O.D., 0.18" long240 engine
851965-1967C5AZ 9462-CC5AZ 9462-C0check= 90Bushing - Exhaust Thermostat Control Valve Front0.010" oversize, 0.317" O.D., 0.242" I.D., 0.18" long240 engine
851965-1967C5AZ 9462-DC5AZ 9462-D0check= 90Bushing - Exhaust Thermostat Control Valve Rear0.010" oversize, 0.635" O.D., 0.242" I.D., 0.40" long240 engine
851965-1967C5AZ 9462-BC5AZ 9462-B0check= 90Bushing - Exhaust Thermostat Control Valve Rear0.625" O.D., 0.40" long240 engine
851966-1967376545-S7 (EE-31) 376545-S7check= 00Clamp - Fuel Filter Hose19/32" diameter, 1/4" width, 1/32" thick, hose clamp
851965-1667D1AZ 9443-AD1AZ 9443-A0check= 90Clamp - Intake and Exhaust Manifold to Cylinder Block??? 240 engine
851961-1967352976-S32 (GG-208-A) 352976-S32check= 00Clip - Fuel Line to UnderbodyA=1-7/32" long, B=1-3/32" length of top part, C=9/16" wide, special clip
851963-1964C3UZ 9A359-AC3UZ 9A359-A0check= 100Cover - Fuel Pump Pulsator??? T38 fuel pump
851964-1967C4AZ 9365-A (FG-1)C4AZ 9365-A 0check= 90Element Assembly - Fuel Filterincludes (1) C2AZ 9364-A Gasketcatalog symbol 97, 110, T52 pump
851961-1963B7A 9365-AB7A 9365-A0check= 80Filter - Fuel???
851961C1DE 9155-AC1DE 9155-A0check= 90Filter Assembly - Fuelincludes:
  • (2) C1AE 9C323-A Hose
  • (4) 372794-S35 Clamp
144, 170 engine
851964-1965C2RZ 9155-A (FG-2)C2RZ 9155-A0check= 90Filter Assembly - Fuel???
851961-1963C2DZ 9155-A (FG-5)C2DZ 9155-A0check= 90Filter Assembly - Fuelincludes:
  • (1) C1AE 9C323-A or C1AE 9C323-C Hose
  • (2) 375416-S35 Clamp
144, 170 engine
851966-1967C5UZ 9155-A (FG-14)C5UZ 9155-A 0check= 90Filter Assembly - Fuelincludes:
  • (1) C5UE 9C323-A Hose
  • (2) 376545-S7 Clamp
851964-1965C2RZ 9155-B (FG-36)C2RZ 9155-B0check= 90Filter Assembly - Fuel??? trucks with 5/16" or 3/8" fuel lines
851961-196787944-S8 (I-22) 87944-S8check= 00Fitting - Fuel Pump Tube to Fuel Pump and Carburetor Connector5/16" tube size, 1/2"-20 thread, inverted, tube connector nut, fittingused to make 9369
used with catalog symbol 97, 110, T31 fuel pump
851961-196787944-S8 (I-22) 87944-S8check= 00Fitting - Fuel Tank to Fuel Pump Tube5/16" tube size, 1/2"-20 thread, inverted, tube connector nut, fittingused with 8C 2269-A tubing to make 9282 fuel line
851961-1967???? 9282-????? 9282-?0check= 90Fuel Line - Tank to Fuel Pump5/16" bulk steel tubing
(1961-1962) 80.00" long (not extended van)
851965-1967C5AZ 9448-BC5AZ 9448-B0check= 90Gasket - Intake and Exhaust Manifold??? 240 engine
851965-1967C5AZ 9461-AC5AZ 9461-A0check= 90Gasket - Intake Manifold to Cylinder Block??? 240 engine
851961-1962 (-1967?)373662-S (KK-56-R) 373662-Scheck= 00Grommet - Fuel Line to Underbody31/32" O.D., fits in 9/16" hole, with three 1/4" diameter holes, grommet
851963-1966C2AZ 9324-CC2AZ 9324-C0check= 90Hose - Carburetor Air Vent9/32" (0.288") I.D., 0.547" O.D.
bulk hose is 70.25" long, cut to 1.62" long
144, 170 engine
851961-1963C1AE 9C323-CC1AE 9C323-C0check= 100Hose - Fuel Filter??? used with inline fuel filter
851961???? 9288-????? 9288-?0check= 90Hose - Fuel Filter??? used with inline fuel filter
851961-1963C1AE 9C323-AC1AE 9C323-A0check= 100Hose - Fuel Filter??? used with inline fuel filter
851966-1967C5UE 9C323-AC5UE 9C323-A0check= 100Hose - Fuel Filter???
851961-1966C9PZ 9324-B (KFL-2)C9PZ 9324-B0check= 90Hose - Fuel Line9/32" I.D., 0.547" O.D.(1961-1966) 144, 170 engine, cut to 8.40" long.
Used with (2) 8M 9171-B or 375416-S35 Clamp
851961-1966C2AZ 9324-EC2AZ 9324-E0check= 90Hose - Fuel Line to Fuel Line Flex Connector9/32" I.D., 0.547" O.D.
bulk hose is 77" long, cut to size
(1961-1966) 144, 170 engine, cut to 8.40" long.
Used with (2) 8M 9171-B or 375416-S35 Clamp
851965-1967C2AZ 9324-EC2AZ 9324-E0check= 90Hose - Fuel Tube Connector9/32" I.D., 0.547" O.D.
bulk hose is 77" long, cut to size
(1965-1967) 170, 240 engine, cut to 12.12" long
(1967 before Ser.#B12,001) 240 engine, cut to 9.12" long
(1967 from Ser.#B12,001) 240 engine, cut to 12.12" long
851962-1967C2AZ 9324-CC2AZ 9324-C0check= 90Hose - Fuel Tube Connector9/32" (0.288") I.D., 0.547" O.D.
bulk hose is 70.25" long, cut to size
(1962-1963) fuel line to fuel filter, cut to 3.00" long, use with 375416-S35 clamp
(1962-1963) front fuel line, cut to 15.50" long
(1964) front fuel line, cut to 20.25" long
(1961-1966) fuel line to fuel line flex conenction, cut to 8.40" long, use with (2) 8M 9171-B or 375416-S35 clamp
(1961-1967 before serial #A42,001) rear fuel tube, cut to 2.56" long
(1961-1967 from serial #A42,001) rear fuel tube, cut to 1.50" long
(1965) front fuel line, cut to 20.25" long
(1967 before serial #B12,001) 240 engine, fuel tube, cut to 9.12" long
(1967 from serial #B12,001) 240 engine, fuel tube, cut to 12.12" long
(1965-1967) fuel tube, cut to 12.12 long
(1966-1967) fuel tube to fuel filter, cut to 2.40" long
851961-1962C2AZ 9324-AC2AZ 9324-A0check= 90Hose - Fuel Tube Connector, Fuel Line from Tank to Fuel Pump??" O.D., bulk hose 15-1/2" hose for #72 fuel pump
851961MK 9327-BMK 9327-B0check= 70Hose - Fuel Tube Connector, Fuel Line to Fuel Filter0.31" I.D., 0.56" O.D., bulk hose is 49.00" long
cut to 1.75" long
used with two 8M 9171-B clamps
851961-1962MK 9327-BMK 9327-B0check= 70Hose - Fuel Tube Connector, Fuel Line to Fuel Line Flexible Connection0.31" I.D., 0.56" O.D., bulk hose is 49.00" long
cut to 8.40" long
used with two 8M 9171-B clamps
851961-1962MK 9327-BMK 9327-B0check= 70Hose - Fuel Tube Connector, Fuel Tube Rear Connectioncut to 2.56" long
851962-1965C2AZ 9324-EC2AZ 9324-E0check= 90Hose - Fuel Tube Front Connector9/32" I.D., 0.547" O.D.
bulk hose is 77" long, cut to size
(1962-1963) 144, 170 engine, cut to 15.50" long (1964-1965) 144, 170, 240 engine, cut to 20.25" long
851961-1967C2AZ 9324-EC2AZ 9324-E0check= 90Hose - Fuel Tube Rear Connector9/32" I.D., 0.547" O.D.
bulk hose is 77" long, cut to size
(1961-1967 before Ser.#A42,001) 144, 170, 240 engine, cut to 2.56" long
(1967 from Ser.#A42,001) 170, 240 engine, cut to 1.50" long
851962-1963, 1966-1967C2AZ 9324-EC2AZ 9324-E0check= 90Hose - Fuel Tube to Fuel Filter Connector9/32" I.D., 0.547" O.D.
bulk hose is 77" long, cut to size
(1962-1963) 144, 170 engine,, cut to 3.00" long, use with 375416-S35 clamp (1964-1966) ?? (1966-1967) 170, 240 engine, cut to 1.75" long
851965(-1967?)34445-S7-8 (M-80) 34445-S7-8check= 00Locknut - Exhaust Manifold to Intake Manifold3/8"-24, 9/16" wide, 13/32" thick, torque-type lock nut240 engine
851965-1967C5AZ 9424-EC5AZ 9424-E0check= 90Manifold - Intake??? 240 engine
851966-196733799-S7 (M-52) 33799-S7check= 00Nut - Anti-Backfire Valve Bracket to Manifold Stud3/8"-16, 9/16" wide, 21/64" thick, grade 5?, regular hexagon nut240 engine with thermactor emissions, not intake manifold type
851965-1667C5AZ 9A430-AC5AZ 9A430-A0check= 100Shaft and Counterweight Assembly - Exhaust Thermostat Control Valve??? 240 engine
851966C6AZ 9F277-AC6AZ 9F277-A0check= 100Shield - Anit-Backfire Valve??? 240 engine with thermactor emissions, before serial #746,001
851966-1967C6TZ 9A462-AC6TZ 9A462-A0check= 100Shield - Exhaust Manifold Heat??? 240 engine with Thermactor emissions
851965-1967C5AZ 9A469-AC5AZ 9A469-A0check= 100Spring - Exhaust Control Valve Tension??? 240 engine
851965-1967C5AZ 9A458-AC5AZ 9A458-A0check= 100Spring - Exhaust Control Valve-Stop??? 240 engine
851965-1967C5AZ 9449-AC5AZ 9449-A0check= 90Spring - Exhaust Thermostat Control Valve??? 240 engine
851965-1967C5TZ 9467-AC5TZ 9467-A0check= 90Spring - Exhaust Thermostat Control Valve Coil0.25" thick, 4 coils240 engine
851966C6DZ 9B291-AC6DZ 9B291-A0check= 100Tube Assembly - Anti-Backfire Valvecut to 20.29" long170 engine with Thermactor emissions
851965-1967C5AZ 9460-AC5AZ 9460-A0check= 90Valve - Exhaust Thermostat Control??? 240 engine
851966-1967C6TZ 9B289-BC6TZ 9B289-B0check= 100Valve Assembly - Anti-Backfire??? 240 engine with thermactor emissions, not intake manifold type
851966-1967C6DZ 9B289-BC6DZ 9B289-B0check= 100Valve Assembly - Anti-Backfire??? 170 engine with thermactor emissions, not intake manifold type
851966C6AZ 9B289-BC6AZ 9B289-B0check= 100Valve Assembly - Anti-Backfire??? 170 engine with Thermactor emissions, intake manifold type
851966-1967382585-S100 (XX-143-A) 382585-S100check= 00Washer - Anti-Backfire Valve Bracket to Manifold Stud3/8" bolt size, 13/32" I.D., 1" O.D., 1/8" thick, flat washer240 engine with thermactor emissions, not intake manifold type

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