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Econoline Parts

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SectionYear(s)Part NumberPart NumberTEMP check partTEMP check hardwareTEMP check instructionPart NameDescriptionApplicationIdentificationColor
721961-1967353351-S (AA-9) 353351-Scheck= 00Ball - Speedometer Drive Gear to Shaft1/4" diameter steel ball
721961-1967350673-S (BB-544) 350673-Scheck= 00Bolt - Input Shaft Bearing Retainer to Case5/16"-18, 3/4" long, hexagon-washer-head bolt with oil seal
721961-1967C3AZ 7A044-AC3AZ 7A044-A0check= 100Insert - Intermediate and High Clutch Hub???
721961-196734806-S7 (X-64) 34806-S7check= 00Lockwasher - Input Shaft Bearing Retainer to Case5/16" bolt size, 19/32" O.D., 5/64" thick, medium lock washer
721961-1967C3AZ 7121-AC3AZ 7121-A0check= 90Roller Set - Countershaft Gear Pilot Bearingset contains 25 rollers. Need 25 rollers for each end of CountershaftC1086Q
721961-1967C3AZ 7118-AC3AZ 7118-A0check= 90Roller Set - Input Shaft Pilot Bearing0.2181" O.D., 0.531" long, set contains 15 rollers
721961-19671A 7288-A1A 7288-A0check= 70Seal - Shifter Fork Cam and Shaft Shift Lever0.424" (0.419" - 0.429") I.D., 0.103" (0.100" - 0.106") thick, O-ring
721961-196751A 702651A 70260check= 0Snap Ring - Input/Output Shaft Bearing3-3/8" O.D, 3" I.D., 1/16" thick (3-1/64" I.D. with 13/16" gap)

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