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Econoline Parts

C2UZ 89290B10A = Panel - Front Door Outside Finish
cut to 39-7/16" (39.44") long
Application(1962) 89B Deluxe Club Wagon
(1963-1965) 89D
(1965) 87 Spring Special
Part Number
(should be same as below)(this line goes away)
C2UZ 89290B10-A
Ford Part NumberC2UZ 89290B10A
Identification (printed on part)
Quantity per Vehicle2
Part was Replaced By
This Part Replaces
This Part Goes with these Other Parts
This Part is Part of this Larger Assembly
Instruction Sheet Number
Autolite/Motorcraft Number
Aftermarket Part
Opposite (left-right) Part
Part used in other Fords
Source of Information
extra notes
database ID6366

Drawings related to this part

YearsDrawing NameDescription
1962-1965 Exterior Ornamentation/Moulding (wide moulding) - (1962 - 89B), (1963 - 89D), (1964-1965 - 87, 89D)
1961-1967 Front Door - mouldings and trim, finish panel, outside mirrors, locks, striker, handles, hinge, strap

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