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Econoline Drawings

Drawings associated with 1961-1967 Econolines

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Year Drawing Description Drawing Name Section Source
1961 Generating System Schematic J1000-B Generator Shop Manual
1961 Growler Test For Shorted Armature J1006-B Generator Shop Manual
1961 Armature Grounded Circuit Test J1007-A Generator Shop Manual
1961 Field Grounded Circuit Test J1009-A Generator Shop Manual
1961 Disassembled Generator J1010-B Generator Shop Manual
1961 Pole Shoe Screw Replacement J1011-A Generator Shop Manual
1961 Commutator Runout Check J1012-A Generator Shop Manual
1961 Generator Brush Seating J1014-A Generator Shop Manual
1961 Generator Regulator J1015-A Generator Shop Manual
1961 Generator Output Test J1076-A Generator Shop Manual
1961 Field Open Circuit Test J1077-A Generator Shop Manual
1961 Generator Mounting J1082-A Generator Shop Manual
1961-1963 Generator and related parts (15V 30, 40 Amp) - Ford P-1829 Generator Truck Parts Catalog
1961-1963 Generator Pulley #10130 - Single Sheave P-2915-1 Generator Truck Parts Catalog
1961-1964 Generator and Related Parts (15V 25, 30 Amp) - Ford - 144, 170 engine P-3192 Generator Truck Parts Catalog

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