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Econoline Front Axles


Other than a slight change in the weight bearing capacity, the front axles on all Econolines are the same and are interchangable.

Part #C1UU-3010-AC2?? 3010-?C5UZ-3010-A
Casting #C1UU-3010-A-C5TA-3010-E
Capacity1,900 lb.2,050 lb.2,150 lb.
Spindle Bolt Centers53.06"-53.06"
Spring Seat Centers35.76"-35.76"
Spindle Bolt I.D.0.743"-0.74"
U-Bolt holes (left-right)2.80"-2.80"
U-Bolt holes (front-back)2.50"-2.50"
Spindle Centerline to Top of Spring Pad2.50"-2.50"
Spindle Bolt inclination7°35' - 7°25'-7°35' - 7°25'

Spindle Bolts - King Pins

Two different king pins were used: 1961-1963 and 1964-1967.

1961-1963 King Pin Set

Standard king pin set, Ford # C1UZ 3111-C

    This set comprises the following:

0.010" over-size king pin set, Ford # C1UZ 3111-D

    This set comprises the following:

1964-1967 King Pin Set

Standard king pin set, Ford # C4UZ 3111-B

There are no oversize king pins for 1964-1967.

CAUTION: Replacement 1964-1967 king pins usually come with the locking pin groove cut too deep, which will cause the pins to wear out prematurely. The thickness of the king pin at the groove should be 0.662 inch. The bad pins have a thickness of 0.644 inch. The correct groove can be cut on the other side of the pin at a machine shop.

Front Brakes: 1961-1967

Brake Shoes = 10" x 2.50" (Raybestos 169PG)

Front Hub & Brake Drum Assembly (10" x 2.5")

Hub Bolts = C1AZ 1107-A (1/2"-20 x 1 15/32")

Hub Nuts (lug nuts) = B 1012, C0AZ 1012-A (1/2"-20)


Washer = C2AZ 1195-A

Inner Bearing Cup = B5A 1202-A

Outer Bearing Cup = B5A 1217-A

Inner Bearing = B5A 1201-A

Outer Bearing = B5A 1216-A

Wheel Cylinder, Front Left - Dorman W18290

Wheel Cylinder, Front Right - Dorman W18291

Spindle Assembly

1961-1963 Right - C1UU 3105-A
1961-1963 Left - C1UU 3106-A

1964-1967 Right - C4UZ 3105-A
1964-1967 Left - C4UZ 3106-A

Spindle Arm

1961-1967 Right - C1UU 3130-A

1961-1964 (before serial# 490001) Left - C1UU 3131-A

1964-1967 (from serial# 490001) Left - C1UZ 3131-A

Tie Rod (spindle connecting rod)

1961-1963 Right End Kit - C1UZ 3A130-A

1961-1963 Left End Kit - C1UZ 3A131-A

1961-1963 Tie rod with clamps and ends - C1UU 3280-B

1961-1963 Tie rod tube with clamps - C1UZ 3281-A

1964-1967 Right end - C4UZ 3A130-A

1964-1967 Left end - C4UZ 3A131-A

1964-1967 Tie rod with clamps and ends - C4UZ 3280-A

1964-1967 Tie rod tube with clamps - C4UZ 3281-A

Alignment Specifications

Since the axles were basically the same from 1961 to 1967, the specs should be too. My guess is that 1967 specs are the best to use for all years. I'll keep checking into that.

Caster angle (backward tilt from true vertical)+3 1/2°± 3/4°+5°± 3/4°+5 1/4°± 3/4°+5°± 3/4°
Max difference between both front wheels 3/4°1/2°
Camber angle (top of wheel tilts out)3/8° ± 1/4°3/8° ± 1/4°3/8° ± 1/4°1/2° ± 1/4°
Maximum difference between both front wheel camber angles 1/4°
Tread and Toe
Front Tread 60 inches
Rear Tread 60-1/4 inches
Toe-In (amount wheels turn inward, towards each other, at the front)3/32 ± 1/32 inches
Toe-Out on turns
(Angle of inside wheel when outside wheel is turned 20°)

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