The serial number is the sixth through eleventh digits in the vehicle warranty number.
All vehicles shared this set of serial numbers, because some factories made more than one kind of vehicle at the same time. The vehicles were not always assembled in serial number order.
The following table is the summary of serial numbers by year.
start | end | Model Year |
100001 | 205000 | 1961 |
205001 | 325000 | 1962 |
325001 | 445000 | 1963 |
445001 | 579999 | 1964 |
580001 | 731999 | 1965 |
732001 | 914000 | 1966 |
A00000 | B99999 | 1967 |
The following table shows the serial numbers by month at the Lorain, Ohio assembly plant.
1961 USA Models 1 | ||
start | end | Month/Year Built |
100001 | 109999 | October 1960 |
110001 | 119999 | November 1960 |
120001 | 129999 | December 1960 |
130001 | 139999 | January 1961 |
140001 | 149999 | February 1961 |
150001 | 159999 | March 1961 |
160001 | 169999 | April 1961 |
170001 | 179999 | May 1961 |
180001 | 189999 | June 1961 |
190001 | 199999 | July 1961 |
200001 | 205000 | August 1961 |
1962 USA Models | ||
205001 | 209999 | August 1961 |
210001 | 219999 | September 1961 |
220001 | 229999 | October 1961 |
230001 | 239999 | November 1961 |
240001 | 249999 | December 1961 |
250001 | 259999 | January 1962 |
260001 | 269999 | February 1962 |
270001 | 279999 | March 1962 |
280001 | 289999 | April 1962 |
290001 | 299999 | May 1962 |
300001 | 309999 | June 1962 |
310001 | 319999 | July 1962 |
320001 | 325000 | August 1962 |
1963 USA Models | ||
325001 | 329999 | August 1962 |
330001 | 339999 | September 1962 |
340001 | 349999 | October 1962 |
350001 | 359999 | November 1962 |
360001 | 369999 | December 1962 |
370001 | 379999 | January 1963 |
380001 | 389999 | February 1963 |
390001 | 399999 | March 1963 |
400001 | 409999 | April 1963 |
410001 | 419999 | May 1963 |
420001 | 429999 | June 1963 |
430001 | 439999 | July 1963 |
440001 | 445000 | August 1963 |
1964 USA Models | ||
445001 | 449999 | August 1963 |
450001 | 459999 | September 1963 |
460001 | 469999 | October 1963 |
470001 | 479999 | November 1963 |
480001 | 489999 | December 1963 |
490001 | 499999 | January 1964 |
500001 | 509999 | February 1964 |
510001 | 524999 | March 1964 |
525001 | 539999 | April 1964 |
540001 | 551999 | May 1964 |
552001 | 563999 | June 1964 |
564001 | 575999 | July 1964 |
576001 | 579999 | August 1964 |
1965 USA Models | ||
580001 | 587999 | August 1964 |
588001 | 599999 | September 1964 |
600001 | 611999 | October 1964 |
612001 | 623999 | November 1964 |
624001 | 635999 | December 1964 |
636001 | 647999 | January 1965 |
648001 | 659999 | February 1965 |
660001 | 671999 | March 1965 |
672001 | 683999 | April 1965 |
684001 | 695999 | May 1965 |
696001 | 707999 | June 1965 |
708001 | 719999 | July 1965 |
720001 | 731999 | August 1965 |
1966 USA Models | ||
732001 | 745999 | August 1965 |
746001 | 759999 | September 1965 |
760001 | 773999 | October 1965 |
774001 | 787999 | November 1965 |
788001 | 801999 | December 1965 |
802001 | 815999 | January 1966 |
816001 | 829999 | February 1966 |
830001 | 843999 | March 1966 |
844001 | 857999 | April 1966 |
858001 | 871999 | May 1966 |
872001 | 885999 | June 1966 |
886001 | 899999 | July 1966 |
900001 | 914000 | August 1966 |
1967 USA Models | ||
A00000 | A13999 | August 1966 |
A14000 | A27999 | September 1966 |
A28000 | A41999 | October 1966 |
A42000 | A55999 | November 1966 |
A56000 | A69999 | December 1966 |
A70000 | A83999 | January 1967 |
A84000 | A97999 | February 1967 |
A98000 | B11999 | March 1967 |
B12000 | B25999 | April 1967 |
B26000 | B39999 | May 1967 |
B40000 | B53999 | June 1967 |
B54000 | B67999 | July 1967 |
B68000 | B83999 | August 1967 |
B84000 | B84999 | September 1-6, 1967 |
B85000 | B97999 | November 11-30, 1967 |
B98000 | B99999 | December 1-7, 1967 |
A few Econoline pickups were made in the US in the early 1961 model year and shipped to Canada. Then production of Econolines started sometime in 1961 or 1962 in Oakville, Ontario and continued throughout the 1965 model year.
The Econoline pickups built in the US for Canada in 1961 could have been badged as either a Ford or a Mercury. The Econolines built in Canada from 1961 to 1965 could have been badged as either a Ford or a Mercury.
The part of the vehicle identification number that ends in A is the serial number.
The following table is the summary of serial numbers by year.
start | end | Model Year |
50,000 | 73,999 | 1961 |
74,000 | 107,999 | 1962 |
108,000 | 143,999 | 1963 |
144,000 | 192,999 | 1964 |
193,000 | 249,999 | 1965 |
Following is an educated guess at the breakdown of serial numbers by month for the Canadian-built Econolines. It is possible that no Econolines were built in Canada in 1961. Based on the data in our records, it is believed that production in Canada started in January 1962.
1961 Canada Models | ||
start | end | Month/Year Built |
50,000 | 51,999 | October 1960 |
52,000 | 53,999 | November 1960 |
54,000 | 55,999 | December 1960 |
56,000 | 57,999 | January 1961 |
58,000 | 59,999 | February 1961 |
60,000 | 61,999 | March 1961 |
62,000 | 63,999 | April 1961 |
64,000 | 65,999 | May 1961 |
66,000 | 67,999 | June 1961 |
68,000 | 69,564 | July 1961 |
1962 Canada Models | ||
74,000 | 76,999 | August 1961 |
77,000 | 79,999 | September 1961 |
80,000 | 82,999 | October 1961 |
83,000 | 85,999 | November 1961 |
86,000 | 88,999 | December 1961 |
89,000 | 91,999 | January 1962 |
92,000 | 94,999 | February 1962 |
95,000 | 97,999 | March 1962 |
98,000 | 100,999 | April 1962 |
101,000 | 103,999 | May 1962 |
104,000 | 106,999 | June 1962 |
107,000 | 107,999 | July 1962 |
1963 Canada Models | ||
110,000 | 112,999 | August 1962 |
113,000 | 115,999 | September 1962 |
116,000 | 118,999 | October 1962 |
119,000 | 121,999 | November 1962 |
122,000 | 124,999 | December 1962 |
125,000 | 127,999 | January 1963 |
128,000 | 130,999 | February 1963 |
131,000 | 133,999 | March 1963 |
134,000 | 136,999 | April 1963 |
137,000 | 139,999 | May 1963 |
140,000 | 142,999 | June 1963 |
143,000 | 143,999 | July 1963 |
1964 Canada Models | ||
146,000 | 148,999 | August 1963 |
149,000 | 151,999 | September 1963 |
152,000 | 154,999 | October 1963 |
155,000 | 159,999 | November 1963 |
160,000 | 163,999 | December 1963 |
164,000 | 167,999 | January 1964 |
168,000 | 171,999 | February 1964 |
172,000 | 175,999 | March 1964 |
176,000 | 179,999 | April 1964 |
180,000 | 183,999 | May 1964 |
184,000 | 187,999 | June 1964 |
188,000 | 192,999 | July 1964 |
1965 Canada Models | ||
204,000 | 206,999 | August 1964 |
207,000 | 211,999 | September 1964 |
212,000 | 215,999 | October 1964 |
216,000 | 219,999 | November 1964 |
220,000 | 223,999 | December 1964 |
224,000 | 227,999 | January 1965 |
228,000 | 231,999 | February 1965 |
232,000 | 235,999 | March 1965 |
236,000 | 239,999 | April 1965 |
240,000 | 243,999 | May 1965 |
244,000 | 247,999 | June 1965 |
248,000 | 249,999 | July 1965 |
Econolines assembled in Mexico used the same vehicle identification numbers as the USA-assembled Econolines, with the exeption of MEX instead of H in the vehicle identification number. It is unknown if the assembly dates match those in the USA table.
11961 Ford Econoline Shop Manual. Service Department, Ford Division, Ford Motor Company, First Printing 1960. p. (front matter)
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